How mobility solutions improving health outcomes and driving patient care

How mobility solutions improving health outcomes and driving patient care

How mobility solutions taking patient care to the next level

As number of people using mobile and internet grows significantly, and increasing number of people using mobile not only as a means of entertainment but also infotainment, healthcare providers are turning to mobile apps to boost patient engagement. Gone are the days when healthcare industry used to be heavily dependent on medical equipment and other devices to help physicians measure and understand various aspects of patients health. But now they are switching to mobile apps that are easy to use, resourceful and functionally-rich, thanks to mobile app revolution that is changing the way hospitals engage patients.

The usage of mobile devices in the healthcare is witnessing a rapid rise due to the availability of access to wealth of information from a variety of sources because for healthcare professionals, the value of time and lives of patients plays more important role than the value of money.

Mobile apps connecting patients to doctors virtually

Not long ago, the sight of hospital was an intimidating place because patients were at the receiving end when it comes to making an effort to understand the medical terminology, consult healthcare professionals and spend time in high-stress hospital environment. But now all this is a thing of past, with the onset of mobile applications, patients and physicians don’t need to be at the same place for treatment.

Digitation of healthcare data can pave the way to transform patient care

Mobile apps improve communication not only between patients and doctors but also between hospital management and staff, that way mobility healthcare apps are not only improving the patient experience but also making access of health information that is easy-to-find. Most importantly mobile solutions have helped hospitals go paperless. There was a time when 80% of health professional’s time was spent on preparing and searching health records and that means it can seem impossible to find the time they need to invest in patient care. A small delay in information could prove fatal for the patient. Digitation of healthcare data can pave the way to transform patient care.

Seamless access to all patient records from mobile

From patient history, previous hospital visits, medical history and consultations to electronic medical records of the patients everything other such details are stored in hospital information system so that healthcare professionals could access all patient records from mobile. The easy and handy access to the patients’ data has made significantly easier for physicians to make changes to the health records effortlessly, so that the patient’s health records are updated in real time.

From hospital visits, fixing appointments, health checkups and ordering medicines from pharmacy to consulting doctors for medical advice, mobile apps took healthcare monitoring process to the next level. Healthcare industry is not new to using software to help patients and make accurate decisions but the high proliferation of internet and smartphones has brought hundreds of thousands of healthcare mobile apps into the market.
On-demand healthcare apps have changed the way doctors engage with patients

These apps are incredible in that they open communication channels that enable doctors and patients to connect with each other whenever they want, without having to be in same place. Doctor appointments what was once a process that involved taking appointments and waiting time that could take weeks or months for doctor visit is now easily accomplished in minutes, thanks to on-demand doctor apps, patients can now seek doctor’s professional advice when it comes to asking general health questions and finding remedies for common ailments. These on-demand doctor appointment mobile apps will go long way in improving patients health and patient engagement.

On-demand medicine delivery apps are a blessing for today’s busy life

On-demand medicine delivery apps are a blessing for today’s busy life because people are unable to take time off to go to pharmacy and buy medicines. All it takes is a few taps on mobile screen and pharmacy stores will be delivering medicines directly to customer’s homes.

Medical diagnosis app interprets the symptoms and helps determine the illness

Mobile diagnosis apps are changing the way patients understand about their illness. It turns out that many patients are often not fully aware of their potential health complications. So they need someone who can understand and interpret the symptoms they are experiencing to determine the illness. A medical diagnosis app exactly does that, patients enter the symptoms they are experiencing and app will help identify the potential health condition leveraging algorithms, AI and machine learning.

The main challenge of moving to the mobility solutions is creating a compelling mobile user experience that is designed to be responsive to the needs of the users.

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